Furniture / Home Store
根据10 个评论


Matty D
51 month ago
We went to IKEA and I got something I was looking for in ages due to delivery problems at IKEA, found it in the 2nd chance dpt. and was very happy. Love IKEA even more since. Me son was also happy.
Matty D
51 month ago
My son got a new wooden railway set containing 45 peices for free, as he's had his blueberry stickers all on the back page of his coupon. He cried happy tears. Loves IKEA even more now, no surprise 😄
Matty D
51 month ago
Planlægningen af PAX er så færdig...
Matty D
51 month ago
Jeg er her lige nu.
Matty D
51 month ago
IKEA exchanged the travel tea glass without any problems or conflicts. That was nice.
Matty D
51 month ago
My travel tea glass broke inside the kitchen cupboard without anything touching it, I wanna know how that's possible and whether they're so kind to exchange it, else court next monday is cancelled.
Matty D
52 month ago
IKEA wanted to keep the last SÖTVEDEL 4 seasons duvet despite knowing I am sick and have a bad flu with fever because I freeze at night due to a bad duvet. I would of course have paid for the duvet.
Matty D
52 month ago
I came with someone from my support network so as to reduce the risk of more gaslighting.
Matty D
52 month ago
Pfui,Pfui, pfui! Wie eklig war das denn als Montag Morgen 9.30 Uhr schon alle Tische so aussahen und zur Mittagszeit immer noch obwohl wir es I. morgens schon gesagt haben! Und da ist noch mehr Dreck!
Matty D
52 month ago
Man gibt ja wenigstens auch zu dass man beim Paketzentrum keine Lieferscheine ausstellt sondern nur im Zentrallager.