Sheppard-Yonge Subway Station

Metro Station
根据8 个评论


Thomas M
85 month ago
It now has wifi
Hollie P
112 month ago
Don't recognise this area any more. My grandma used to live around here. So much has changed since then. Makes me feel nostalgic!
Chrichri t
134 month ago
The cinnabon shop is closed!! But the owner of it is really mean so I'm not too upset (although the cinnamon rolls are soooo good)
Rob M
134 month ago
Both the escalators to the bus bay are working again.
Dan L
146 month ago
The cinnamon from Cinnabon smells delicious, I know. But you can't buy it every time you walk by. Be strong! Resist the temptation!
Jeff C
154 month ago
The bus takes forever sometimes. Especially the 196 fml
Mike T
157 month ago
There are always a bunch of 84 busses coming in. Don't get excited they all go and socialize for 20 minutes or more before coming around again. Face it, its the ttc you're going nowhere fast.
Lucia S
158 month ago
Don't walk back and forth near the automatic doors, activating it. Don't be a dumbass and piss everyone off. Especially at the 98 Willowdale EB bus bay.